10 Must-Have Dumbbell Exercises for a Full-Body Workout


This article provides a comprehensive list of 10 dumbbell exercises that target various muscle groups for a full-body workout.
1. Goblet Squats
Target Muscles: Quads, Glutes, Hamstrings
Instructions: Hold a dumbbell with both hands at chest level and squat down, keeping your back straight and core tight.
2. Single-Arm Rows
Target Muscles: Back, Biceps
Instructions: Bend forward at the hips with one hand on a bench, lift the dumbbell towards your side, squeezing your shoulder blades.
3. Standing Dumbbell Press
Target Muscles: Shoulders
Instructions: Hold dumbbells at shoulder level, and press up, keeping your elbows close to your body.
4. Chest Press
Target Muscles: Chest, Triceps
Instructions: Lie on your back on a bench, with dumbbells in each hand, and press the weights upward.
5. Romanian Deadlifts
Target Muscles: Hamstrings, Glutes, Lower Back
Instructions: Hold dumbbells in each hand and hinge at the hips, keeping your back straight and lowering the weights towards the ground.
6. Bicep Curls
Target Muscles: Biceps
Instructions: Hold dumbbells in each hand, palms facing up, and curl the weights towards your shoulders.
7. Tricep Extensions
Target Muscles: Triceps
Instructions: Hold a dumbbell with both hands behind your head, and extend your arms upward, squeezing your triceps.
8. Lateral Raises
Target Muscles: Shoulders
Instructions: Hold dumbbells at your sides and lift your arms out to the side, keeping a slight bend in your elbow.
9. Side Lunges
Target Muscles: Quads, Glutes, Hamstrings
Instructions: Hold a dumbbell with both hands and take a wide step to the side, bending your knee and keeping your back straight.
10. Russian Twists
Target Muscles: Abs, Obliques
Instructions: Sit on the ground, holding a dumbbell with both hands, and twist your torso from side to side.
Incorporate these 10 dumbbell exercises into your workout routine for a full-body burn and see results in no time.

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